Date: 9/14/2014
BILLFISH: It was good to get the crews back out after several days sitting in port waiting for Hurricane Norberto to say goodbye and as we write this we are awaiting the arrival of Hurricane Odile. Nevertheless we wanted to bring you the fishing news before battening down the hatches. Pisces boats from 28 to 31 ft. have all been pulled out of the water and are sitting in trailers at the boatyard to keep them safe. Other larger vessels have been prepared as best as possible. Fishing didn’t seem to miss a beat, though it was hard for the boats to locate fish on a couple of day or when found they were too full to be interested in the bait offered, which was attributed to the full moon.
Date: 9/8/2014
BILLFISH: Although the week was cut short because of hurricane Norbert’s arrival, we still got off to a good start with all except for one boat (the anglers got seasick) catching fish on Saturday. The catch of the day was dorado, with all boats catching anywhere from 3 to 15 each. Dean Malhiot and friends from Calgary, Canada who fished on the Rebecca lead the way with 18! All were caught outside of Golden Gate.
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