Toll Free USA: 1-877-286-7938
 Mexico: 624-143-1288

Pisces Fleet Places in Los Cabos Billfish and Bisbees Offshore

The first two tourneys of the October-November Season have come to an end, with Pisces placing in several divisions.  

The Los Cabos Billfish Tournament took place October 14-16th, after the unexpected delay because by the port closing Saturday through Monday caused by a storm which brought heavy rainfall. The Tournament had 51 teams total.

Pisces 35’ Bill Collector took the Day 1 Wahoo division with a 29.2 pounder caught by Mark Chiavetta. 

The Bisbees Offshore, October 18-20th, with 119 teams and a $1.3Million Dollar pot!

Pisces 38’ C Rod takes Day One Tuna Division with this 157 lbs Yellowfin caught by Tyla Armstrong - Team Captiva III. It was the last fish weighed of the day and made it count. Day two there were no big contenders and with no dorado caught, monies rolled over to the Tuna Division. This made for a nice payout of $132,430 USD for their 157lbs YFT. 

Billfish Division 1st Place for Day One, was caught by Angler Jarrod Smith on the Predator, a 328 Lbs Blue Marlin. 

Pisces 72’ Tag Team released 4 Blue Marlin and 3 Striped, earning them $61,880 USD. 

Second place release went to Overtime with 3 Blues and 4 Stripes, and a total of $21,420 USD. 3rd Place Release was Quiteña with 4 Blues, taking $11,900 USD. 

And in the Heaviest Billfish Division, although Team Predator ended up taking 4th with their 328lbs Black Marlin, it earned them the biggest check of the night! A whopping $444,550 USD as they won the Daily Jackpots and Largest fish for Day One.

Third place went to Team Outcast with their 360lbs Black Marlin, taking $217,621 USD. Second place for Reel & Deal and their 371lbs Black Marlin, earning them $212,368 USD. 

And last but not least, the 33’ Marlini took 1st Place Overall with a great job by an all-local team of anglers and crew, landing an impressive 468lbs Black Marlin. The fish earned them $89,530 USD, as they were in the Dailies only. 

A great start to Tourney season so far, Bisbees Black & Blue is next!


If you’re looking at testing your skill and luck, we still have a few boats available for charter in The Upcoming Tuna Tournaments in November.


Call Toll Free at 1-877-286-7938. The full report from tourneys and earnings will be up on the blog today

Author: Tracy Ehrenberg

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