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WON Tuna Jackpot Results and Earnings!

Date: 11/11/2019

This the 21st year of the Tuna Tournament produced a field of 154 entries and a record payout of $1,016,700.00 making it the richest tuna tournament in the world!


Los Cabos Billfish Under Seige

Date: 11/3/2019

The threat of illegal fishing practices off of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico and what you can do about it.


Pisces Fleet Places in Los Cabos Billfish and Bisbees Offshore

Date: 10/21/2019

The first two tourneys of the October-November Season have come to an end, with Pisces placing in several divisions.


Holy Cows! Three Monster Tuna Caught in Cabo in Same Day

Date: 8/9/2019

When John Maltman and Nick Kronfeld from England booked their trip with us this Summer they expected to tick some fish off their bucket list, but they never expected what happened this Thursday on Pisces 31' Ruthless!


Huge Blue Marlin Caught and Released on 30 Pound Test!

Date: 7/7/2019

Yesterday, Saturday July 6th, Mr. Bob Hixson went out fishing on his “Team Galati” 80’ Viking Skybridge. Him and his wife Amanda headed up the Sea of Cortez side to Destiladeras area, about 35 miles from Cabo. They saw schools of tuna around 25 to 35 lbs, the water was 83 F and the weather was perfect. They had already had 4 Striped Marlin bites on their trolled ballyhoo but couldn’t land any of them. And then suddenly, something hit the ballyhoo again, really hard.


Monster Blue Marlin Hits Dock After Epic 6 Hour Battle

Date: 4/15/2019

Anglers on board of the Pisces 31’ Tiburon were about to call it a day when a marlin hit their trolled lures; It hit so quickly that they didn't even get a good look at it, and during the fight they estimated it at about 300 lbs. Boy where they wrong…

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