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News Date: 9/8/2020
Amazing Catch of a Yellowfin tuna over 300 lbs by local fishermen! See the official weight and details HERE.
News Date: 5/27/2020
This is believed to be the biggest marlin ever caught in the area of Barra de Navidad, Jalisco, Mexico. This is on the mainland of Mexico, across the Sea of Cortez from Cabo San Lucas. Through satelite tagging studies on marlin conducted by Pisces and Grayfishtag, we have seen that many of the fish travel from the waters surrounding the Baja Peninsula to Mainland Mexico each year. We have seen an increase of fish even just in the marinas in Cabo due to the global pandemic of Covid 19 and we are sure to see bigger and more fish once the season opens back up for Sportfishing in Mexico.
The full story on this amazing catch, from a 24 foot skiff, that took 8 hours and fed most of the town, is found here.
News Date: 1/9/2020
Giant Yellowfin Tuna caught off of Cabo San Lucas This week by " Castigo". The fish Weighed 365 lbs, but that's not all that happened.. They had two more monster bites! Read the Story for full details.