Date: 9/26/2017
Numbers at a glance: Billfish 61%, Dorado 49%, Tuna 20% BILLFISH: So far 2017 is shaping up to be a fantastic blue marlin year, with plenty of fish in the 150 to 250 LB class and several landed over the 300 LB mark. After a couple of weeks of tropical storms and port closure that took nine days out of the month, weather has changed with a distinctive cooling in the air and time is ripe for a variety of fish. Pisces La Brisa a 31 ft. Bertram, kicked off the action with an impressive 400 LB blue marlin caught
Date: 9/23/2017
This week saw some great catches in Cabo San Lucas, with a surge in blue marlin catches and some nice tuna too aboard Pisces boats.
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