Overall Catch Success Rate All species combined80%

BILLFISH: Blue Marlin, Striped Marlin and Sailfish are here! We are just a week away from our hot September!, that means humidity and hard core fishermen focusing on one thing: Big game and upcoming Tournament Season. Pisces Ruthless is on fire! Two striped marlin up to 160 lb., one sailfish estimated at 80 lb., one dorado close to 25 lbs at Pozo de Cota and Los Arcos, on the Pacific side gave an outstanding day to the Todd Schafer group visiting from California, all billfish successfully released! Andrea our 28 ft Uniflite managed to released a 190 lb. Blue Marlin and a good sized Sailfish at Punta Gorda with the Ferreiro group from New Jersey. Listo released a Striped Marlin and a Sailfish at the 95 Spot in the Sea of Cortes with the Bryan Keene Group from New Mexico and Oregon, good job! On August 23rd Pisces Rebecca hooked up an 185 lb. Blue Marlin for the Wilson-Lundquist & Taquino-Hendrix Group from San Francisco, California. Mr. Phong Vuong and friends from Houston, Texas celebrated his 50th birthday aboard the 42ft Pisces Yahoo and his favorite boat , 38ft CRod where he released a 60 lb. baby Striped Marlin and reeled in some good size tunas up to 40 lbs. on the Pacific side, Happy Birthday again! Pisces Rebecca released a Sailfish on August 24th from Brian Reynolds visiting from Boise, Idaho.
August 25th Pisces Tracy Ann gave the fight with two Sailfish to Hailey group visiting as well from Hauser, Idaho. 31ft Pisces Tiburon over Punta Gorda released Striped marlin around 120 lb. for Brian Bowen and group from Saginaw, Texas. Also 31ft Rebecca got a busy day for Alan and Sandra Younger with two striped marlin one sailfish and a pilot shark. Ruthless did it again with a 350 lb. Blue Marlin outside of Punta Gorda, with Jason Charo, Jeff Dewease and Tom Sands from Houston, Texas. Another Blue Marlin for Mahmood Somani visiting from London released aboard the 42ft Yahoo!; 32ft Pisces Bill Collector fought another Blue Marlin of 200 lb. outside of la Herradura, Sea of Cortes with David-Winfrey Group from New York, Georgia and Texas. On August 27th 35ft Listo released one good size Sailfish 130 lb. in San Jaime for David and Messie Almasy from California. The last day of our week, we had lots of action for billfish: Pisces 28ft Adriana, released Striped Marlin in Cerro de Arena and two yellow fin tunas (20 lb.) for Reeves-Snuffer group from West Virginia; Andrea and Tracy Ann released Striped marlin and yellow fin tunas in Los Arcos for Rob Kellog from Texas and Adam Shrout from Los Angeles, California. 31ft La Brisa and Ruthless got hooked on Sailfish one over Punta Gorda for Cristina and Craig Downer from Kalamazoo, Mi. and the second over San Jaime for Dewease Group visiting from Houston, Texas. Our 46ft Attitude Adjustment behaved releasing a Blue Marlin estimated 200 lb. for the Ginilli Group from San Francisco, Ca. Pisces anglers released a total of 44 billfish this week, consisting of 24 Striped Marlin, 14 Sailfish and 6 Blue Marlin.

OTHER SPECIES: Tuna, tuna, tuna good sizes! Starting on August 22nd with Pisces Knot Working with 30 lb. tunas over San Jaime for the Keene Group from Arizona and New Mexico; August 23rd the 28ft Andrea got a 40 pounder in the same area for Powell-Cooper-Wolcott from Roseburg, Oregon; 28ft Andrea fought two yellow fin tunas ranging from 20 to 45 lbs. in Cabrillo, Sea of Cortes for Ferreiro family visiting from New York. On August 25th Knot Working again gave a fought to 40 minutes and lost a 150 lbs. tuna over the Pedregal area. 31ft Cabolero got a 40 lb. in Cerro de Arena, for Jack Hunter Group from Strongville, Ohio. And 24ft panga Poseidon got two tunas from 30 to 50 lb. for Cody Wood from Alpine, Texas. Two Wahoo were spotted this week, one 35 lb. aboard the Pisces Listo and one 25 lb. on Rebecca, over the 95 and San Jaime area. We got some action for Mahi- Mahi as well ranging from 10 lb. to 25 lb. aboard Pisces Andrea & Ruthless over Pozo Cota, Cabeza de Ballena & 95 Spot. Panga Poseidon caught two as well! We also saw some Sharks! Yes, sharks! Three Sardine sharks over 100 lb. and one Pilot shark 75 lb. with La Brisa and Rebecca all of them over Punta Gorda. For inshore besides the great tuna and dorado in pangas we saw lots of skipjacks and pierna fish which is great for lunch. We had a total of 36 big game species this week, 24 yellow fin tunas, 10 Mahi Mahi, 4 sharks and bunch of skipjacks.
LOCATION: Punta Gorda, Destiladeras, 95, Los Arcos, San Jaime, Cabeza de Ballena, Herradura, 11.50