Overall Catch Success Rate All Species Combined 77%
Numbers at a glance: Billfish 30%, Tuna 7 %, other 42 %, Dorado 7%
We start this week with an off season Blue Marlin spotted 27 miles over on the Pacific side, guided by Captain Ricardo Escamilla on Pisces 42ft “Yahoo”, Tony Foth from Iowa and his friends were in search of Yellow fin tuna, when they spot on the horizon Marlin on the surface. Thinking it was a Striped, the crew set up a 40 lbs. test line to get it cast. What was their surprise when they hooked a 180lb Blue Marlin! Pisces 31ft “Ruthless” vessel released the first Striped Marlin of the week over the Pedregal area, estimated weight 120lbs. good fun for Todd, Cindy Fink and Tonda, Steve Devault visiting from Saginaw, Michigan. Pisces “C Rod” 38ft with Captain Abel spotted a Striped Marlin, over the Pacific in the 180 spot for Rob Standley´s group from Zionville, Indiana. On February 28th again the “C Rod” got tight lines for Steve Olmsted, John Foss, Michael Sigel, and Michael Dutton visiting from Minnesota releasing two Striped Marlin, using Caballito as live bait. Pisces “Adriana” 28ft ran to the Old Light House and spot Striped Marlin for Michael and Amanda Carter visiting from Osseo, Minnesota. Our “Tracy Ann” 31ft Pisces adds one more to this week, using the small sardine as live bait for the Bermel & Fenske Group releasing a Striped Marlin and bringing some Trigger fish as well. Pisces 35ft “Valerie” released a Striped Marlin at el Faro for Doc, Diane Gover & Stephen, Patsy Holdefer visiting from Tennessee. “Speedwell” 38ft Pisces with Captain “Piranha” and guests from Mexico's State Gabriel and Magally Sordo ran fifteen miles to the 220 spot for a Striped Marlin lured with caballito, being successfully released and a Pilot shark estimated weight 70 lbs. “Hot Rod” Pisces 42ft vessel got tight lines for three Striped marlin at Los Arcos for Norm, Debbie, Danielle Wolfe and Brandon Satchwell, visiting from Alberta, Canada. Good Job! Finally “La Brisa” our 31ft Bertram with Ray Winkler captain released a 150lbs. Marlin at Los Arcos for Neil Corella and June Robbins visiting from Florida. Lots of action for billfish this week, all Billfish were successfully released. Thirty percent of the Pisces Anglers released 16 billfish, consisting in 15 Striped and 1 Blue Marlin.

Mike McCoy from Iowa had a fun day in the water aboard the 35ft “Valerie” boat, inshore fun with groupers, mojarra fish, lady fish catch
OTHER SPECIES: Pisces 46ft Bertram “Attitude Adjustment” released a 100 lbs. Thresher shark at the Faro for Gary Evans and Ted Williams from Dallas, Texas. We had some Mahi-Mahi action this week, Pisces 28ft “Andrea” brought a 28 pounder, 25 miles over the 210 spot for Sang Park, Jeff Son and Jae Byun from Los Angeles, California. Pisces “Bill Collector” 32ft got another 20lbs. Dorado for guests Robert Snyder & Paul Nielsen coming from Minnesota. For all the lovers of inshore fishing, big Trigger fish week! (chopo week) excellent for fun and food. We are just starting to see all great inshore variety for Ladyfish, Spanish mackerel, Amberjacks and Groupers, Pampano, Yellow tail, Red Snapper over Pozo Cota, Los Arcos & Margaritas and sizes from 5 to 25 lbs. Our friends from Roofing Supplies commanded by Kelly Woods did their yearly inshore trip in pangas and enjoying their catch next door at Captain Tony´s Restaurant. You catch it we cook it! Three boats took the risk and ran over 40 miles out to look for Yellow fin tuna, Pisces 31ft “Ruthless”, “Tracy Ann, and 38ft “C Rod” bringing each a 15 lbs. Very slow compared to the amazing numbers we had a few weeks ago!. Forty two percent of our Pisces anglers caught a huge variety of inshore fishing and the total of 14% combined Dorado and Yellow fin tuna.
LOCATION: Old Light House, San Jaime, 220 spot, 150 Spot, Pescadero, Margaritas, Los Arcos; Pedregal
WEATHER: Clear Skies, Calm winds
BEST LURES: Live Bait: Caballito for inshore, mackerel, sardinela for Striped Marlin, Lure: Cedar plugs
Based on the catches of Pisces by Ady Moya