Overall Catch Success Rate All Species Combined: 95%
Numbers at a glance: Billfish 67%, Dorado 24%, Tuna 17%, Other 38%

BILLFISH: This week Cabo enjoyed beautiful weather with sunny skies, cool nights and mostly calm seas which produced some great catches for our anglers – nearly every boat out caught fish this week. Pisces anglers enjoyed a successful day fishing ninety five percent of the time this period. Catch of the week was that of Ed Purcell from Milwaukee, Wisconsin – a lake angler who had the thrill of his life when he hooked up an out of season black marlin aboard
Pisces Ruthless. The fish took dead bait at San Jaime and took about forty minutes to bring to the boat – weight was just under 300 LBS, well done Ed! Striped marlin were the species anglers were most likely to encounter this past week with steady catches of up to three fish between and 100 and 140 LBS.
Pisces Ruthless was having a good week not only did they get the black marlin, but they also released three striped marlin at La Antena, two on live bait and one on a petrolero lure for a group from California headed up by David Moore. The Brown family from Austin, Texas fished a little further at Golden Gate, aboard
Pisces Andrea and were also able to release three marlin and boat a dorado.
Tracy Ann always seems to make the fish report and this week is no exception; they had a triple marlin day on January 15th for David Bales and friends from San Diego also fishing at Golden Gate on the Pacific. The Gibsons from Texas had a fabulous day aboard
Pisces Valerie with three striped marlin ranging in size from 80 to 140 LBS off of Las Margaritas. Pisces anglers caught a total of 70 striped marlin and 1 black marlin this week.
OTHER SPECIES: Although dorado was pretty steady this week, we can see that they are starting to wind down. Catches were seldom of more than one to three fish with weights up to 20 LBS. Twenty four percent of our boats caught dorado for a total catch of 28 fish. Yellow fin tuna catches were on the slow side and you had to go to San Jaime to find them –
Pisces Bill Collector had one of the best days when they caught a dozen for the Haith family from Boise, Idaho – the fish were football size and took cedar plugs and feathers. Other catches were of between one and ten fish. Just a couple of small wahoo were caught this week. Sharks seem to be moving back into the area – we had the first pilot shark that we have seen in weeks. Inshore we are starting to get some small mako sharks. Pangas are starting to see great inshore action with multiple catches of ladyfish, skipjacks, small snappers and groupers.
LOCATION: Pacific, lighthouse to Golden Gate.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Clear, sunny skies, mostly calm seas.