Overall Catch Success Rate All Species Combined 94%
Numbers at a glance: Billfish 34%, Other 55%, Dorado and Tuna 9%
BILLFISH: The Striped Marlin increased four percent compared to last week, the crews are seeing more Marlin in the surface, some of them no interested in biting but more attracted with live bait such as chancleta and mackerel, also we are seeing good sizes from 130 to 180 lbs. Pisces 28ft “Andrea” released a Striped Marlin, eight Trigger fish, six Lady Fish and a Sheep head fish at Migriño over the Pacific side for Josh Bailey and Karman Waquespach from Mansfield, Texas. Pisces Panga 25ft “Poseidon” released two Striped Marlin estimated weight of 130 to 170 lbs. in Balmaseda for Eric, Payton and Preston Herleth from Texas State. Pisces 31ft “Ruthless” got tight lines for Tom and Taylor Yancey from California releasing one Striped Marlin, six Trigger fish and six Skipjacks at Migriño and Cerro de Arena using mackerel as live bait. “Ruthless” vessel again with Captain Beto released two Striped Marlin (150 lbs.) and six Trigger fish at Los Arcos, Pozo Cota and Migriño spot for Dan Owens, Jayme Owens, Stacey Connelly and Kelsey Schneider from Centennial, Colorado. Pisces 31ft “Tracy Ann vessel gave to our good lady friend from Oklahoma Linda Smith an exciting day: Striped Marlin, a Pilot shark, ten Roosters (10-20 lbs.), eight Trigger fish, seven Grouper (10 to 20 lbs.), six Lady fish and three Red Snapper at Pozo Cota. Pisces 32ft “Bill Collector” as well had a busy day reeling a Striped Marlin, two yellow fin tunas, estimated weight 20 to 40 lbs. one Pilot shark and a 25 lb. Dorado over the 240 spot and San Jaime for the Wade´s family coming from Tennessee: Bobby, Helen, Caroline and Bobby Jr. Pisces 31ft “Tiburon” released another Striped Marlin with Caballito bait at Margaritas for Kenneth, Lisa and Brooke Marchbach. Pisces 38ft “Speedwell” fought a Sailfish (80 lb.) at el Faro spot, for George Kappos and Michael Deckard from Ohio. Today March 18th Pisces 31ft “La Brisa” spots a Striped Marlin (180 lb.) and one Dorado (25 lb) at Los Arcos for Robert and Treyson Eckman, from Fort Collins, Colorado. Finally Pisces 35ft “Knot Workin” got tight lines with a Striped Marlin and two Yellow Tails (30 lb.) At Migriño for Robert Lane´s group visiting from Big Bear Lake, Ca. 34% of Pisces anglers released a total of 23 Billfish consisting of 22 Striped Marlin and 1 Sailfish, all Marlin were successfully released.

Fritz Weiss aboard the 31ft “Tracy Ann” with a Ladyfish successfully released!
OTHER SPECIES: Mahi-Mahi and Yellow Fin Tuna still in slow numbers, however the ones brought-in are so valuable!, without question “Bill Collector” 32ft vessel has been working really hard to find this great eating fish. The first day Juan Carlos ran twenty miles over the Old light house and got two 15 lbs. For the Vaughn's family from Texas; On March 16th got another two between 15 to 20 lbs. and a Pilot Shark at San Jaime spot for Joe and Victoria Barnes from Ontario, Canada. Inshore fishing with consistent numbers: Pisces 28ft “Andrea” got six Jack Crevelle from 15 to 20 lbs. and twelve sierras at Cerro del Golden for Garret, Ashleig Holder and Hailey Elam from Corpus Christi, Texas. Pisces 60ft “Shambala” got two Red Snapper, four Grouper (10 to 15 lbs.) and Triggerfish at Chileno for the Riley/McEvoy family from Morristown, New Jersey. Pisces 31ft “Tracy Ann” gave a fun fishing day for the Weiss family from Houston, Texas, they fought five Roosters, eight Groupers (10-15 lbs.) one Sheep head, six Lady Fish and seven Trigger Fish all spotted with live bait at Pozo Cota. Fifty five percent of our Pisces Anglers have released and brought some smaller species: 264 Triggerfish, 119 Ladyfish, 60 Groupers, 45 Sierras, 33 Roosters, 60 Groupers for mention some. And the 9% total combined for Dorado and Yellow Fin Tuna.
LOCATION: Margaritas, Balmaseda, La Antena, Cerro del Golden, Chileno
WEATHER: Clear Skies, some days with light winds.
BEST LURES: Live Bait: Caballito, chancleta, mackerel for Striped Marlin and inshore, Lure: cuchis for inshore,
Based on the catches of Pisces by Ady Moya