Overall Catch Success Rate All Species Combined 92 %
Numbers at a glance: Billfish 23 %, other 65 %, Dorado and Tuna 10 %
We are seeing more Marlins as long as we are moving forward to April and Striped Marlin peak season; some of the Stripers are starting to be spotted over the Sea of Cortes such as Chileno and the 95 fishing spot, even though the moon waxed in the middle of the week we had good action. Pisces 42ft “Yahoo” released a Striped Marlin using mackerel as live bait, estimated weight 130 lb. at Pozo Cota for John & Ryan Hurst, Julie Keller and Rachel Gunderson visiting from Reno, Nevada. Pisces 31ft “Tiburon” got tight lines with a Striped Marlin (130 lb.) for Gary Muisuf's group and Pisces 35ft “Listo” commanded by Captain Benito made the day for the Smith's Family from British Columbia, Ca. releasing a Striped Marlin (130 lb.) in the same spot Pozo Cota, Pacific side. With consisting numbers in previous reports “Hot Rod” 42ft vessel released three Striped Marlins more outside of La Bomba, estimated weight 100, 130, 150 lbs. John III, James, and John Jr. Mattingly from Granite City, Illinois were excited!. “Yahoo” 42ft Pisces gave the fight with another Striped Marlin! (130lb.) and twelve Trigger fish at Cerro de Arena and Pozo Cota for Susan Reif and William Tomrose from Pen Valley, California. Pisces 35ft “Knot Working”vessel got tight lines for a Striped Marlin and three Yellow Tails (10-25 lbs.) at San Cristobal and Margaritas for Eduardo Roldan's group visiting from Mexico City. Pisces 35ft “Valerie” had a great day releasing a Striped Marlin at Migriño (140lb.) twelve Lady Fish, twelve Babosas and four Groupers (6- 8 lbs.) Good action for Mark Holmes, Scott Selby, Kevin Thil, John Renner and Phillip Barbosa from Atlanta, Georgia. Pisces 42ft“Yahoo” one more time!, released another Striped Marlin (140 lb.), eleven Trigger Fish and Skip Jack at Faro Viejo from Jim Farr, Eileen Adams, Dan Morgan and Lynne Adams from San Antonio, Texas. Pisces 28ft “Andrea” released two Striped Marlins (130 lbs.)outside of Chileno and the 95 spot for Steve Lanser, Joe Lanser, Hong Nguyen, John Lanser. Pisces 31ft “Tracy Ann” got another Marlin at the 95 spot with live bait for Thomas, Thomas Jr. and Gregory Madsen from Minnesota. Twenty three percent of Pisces anglers released a total of 16 Striped Marlin all Marlin were successfully released.

Yellow Tails made the fun to young family Roldán Acosta and friends visiting from Mexico City, aboard the 35ft “Knot Working” with Captain Tito.
OTHER SPECIES: Yellow fin tuna and Dorado still in slow numbers however Pisces 32ft “Bill Collector” brought three Yellow Fin Tunas (22lbs.) and released a Pilot shark at San Jaime for Derek, McKenzie Kline and Cameron Hutchnes from Reno, Nevada. On March 19th “Bill Collector” ran again at San Jaime and got nine Tunas and another Pilot shark successfully released for Joe, Victoria Barnes from Alberta, Canada and on March 21s one Dorado and Yellow Fin Tuna (20lbs.) for Kirk and Graham Baker from Dallas, Tx. Pisces 31ft “La Brisa” reeled a 20 lb. Wahoo at La Antena for Ida Gustavson's group from Colorado. As to bottom fishing, this still booms in different fishing areas over the Pacific side: Pisces 28ft “Adriana” got twelve Groupers (15 lbs.) three Estacudos, eight Lady Fish and one Scorpion fish for Gino & Nicolas Gerbasi from Chicago, Ilinois. Pisces 28ft “Andrea” got a 25lb. Yellow Tail, two Sheepheads (15 lbs.) Red Snappers, four Babosas using bait chunks at Gaspareño for James Vaughan, William Carlisle and Samuel Gore visiting from Alaska. Pisces 31ft “Cabolero” did its magic releasing two Jack Crevelles, two Roosters and one Spanish Mackerel estimated weight 15-20 lbs. Pisces 31ft “Ruthless” got one Red Snapper, two Groupers (20 lbs.), good size Sea Bass (30 lb.) and six Trigger fish for Randy Smith's family, visiting from Tennessee.
Ten percent of our Pisces Anglers brought 23 Yellow Fin Tunas and one Dorado, The 65% percent with an incredible variety of species: Triggerfish, Amber Jack, Yellow Tail, Ladyfish, Groupers, Spanish mackerel, Rooster, Red Snapper, Sea Bass, Jack Crevelle, Sheephead, Mojarra, Babosas and Scorpio fish.
LOCATION: Margaritas, Pozo Cota, Los Arcos, La Antena, Chileno, 95 Spot
WEATHER: Clear Skies, some days with light winds
BEST LURES: Live Bait: Mackerel for Striped Marlin Lures: Cedar Plugs For smaller species: Live bait chunks
Based on the catches of Pisces by Ady Moya