Overall Catch Success Rate All Species Combined 74%
Numbers at a glance: Billfish 30%, other 50 %, Dorado and Tuna 19%
We have kept the same numbers that we had last week, the billfish is getting a bit closer over the Pacific side, despite the cold front that came from the North at the beginning of the week, with 28 mph heavy winds and unusual dust storms that kept us away from fishing one day, we managed to have billfish and inshore action!. Pisces 35ft “Listo” ran to Los Arcos, 15 miles over the Pacific side and reeled a 130 lb. Striped Marlin for Steve Murchin, Colton Sudberry and Jason Rogers from San Diego, California. Pisces 25ft “Poseidon” panga got two Marlin and Spanish mackerel with live bait at El Faro for Steve Kovach and John Massotust from California. Pisces “Yahoo” 42ft Bertram did a great job and found a 180lb. Striper at Los Arcos for Cliff Cook, Sam Smiley and Alan Wood visiting from Columbus, Ohio. Pisces 28ft “Andrea” with Captain Orlando, got tight lines for the Koontz family from Mount Jackson, Virginia releasing a Striped Marlin at Los Arcos. Pisces 31ft “Rebecca” got two Striped Marlin, estimated weight 130lbs. at Margaritas spot for Scott Tudor, Heidi Lee and Nick Pinson from Seattle, Wa. Both marlins were successfully released! Pisces 31ft “Tracy Ann” released two good size Stripers estimated weight 150lbs. one Grouper and Lady Fish with mackerel bait for James McGuirk, Ryan Nolan and Tyler Wiebe visiting from Newbury Park, California. On March 10th Pisces 31ft “Ruthless” traveled to Pozo Cota and spot Striped Marlin and Jack Crevalle for Sam and Keri Montgomery from Colorado Springs, Co. Finally “Yahoo” 42ft Bertram again, released another Striped Marlin at El Faro for Douglas Ricken and Tanya Brockwell from Raleigh, North Carolina. Thirty percent of the Pisces anglers caught 15 Striped Marlin, all successfully released with the exception of one Marlin.

Jack Crevalle's catch with mackerel live bait at Pozo Cota aboard 31ft “Rebecca” for Michael Littledike and friends visiting from Highland, Utah
OTHER SPECIES: Last week it was trigger fish all over! This time is the turn for Jack Crevalle or toros (bull in Spanish), being the main catch for inshore, with sizes from the 10 to 30lbs. this fish is really fun to catch and excellent to eat. Along with it we have seen Trigger fish, Grouper, Spanish mackerel, Pompano and Rooster mainly all located over Margaritas, Migriño, Pozo Cota and Los Arcos over the Pacific side. Only one vessel got a 30lb. Dorado aboard the 35ft Pisces “Listo” with mackerel live bait at Los Arcos for the group of Chandler Vogel from Virginia. Pisces 46ft “Attitude Adjusment” released three Jacks and a Rooster (20-30 lbs.) at La Antena for the Maloney Family visiting from East Hanover, New Jersey. Pisces 42ft “Hot Rod” hooked five Jacks ranging from 15 to 20lbs. and twenty Roosters from 15 to 35 lbs. using rapalas, cuchis and live bait at Pozo Cota. All released! Pisces 38ft “Speedwell” had good fun reeling six Roosters and four Jacks for Richard Hutchinson, Ron Peaseleg, Todd Guptill, Zach Guptill, Dylan Hutchinson and Sarah Guimond all visiting from Maine. Pisces 32ft “Bill Collector” ran 20 miles out from El Faro and got three 20lbs. Yellow fin tunas using cedar plus for David Kersten´s group from Portland, Oregon and “C Rod” 38ft managed the same action with five 25lbs. yellow fin tunas in Migriño, using live bait for Rob Chimko´s group from Vancouver, California. Both groups were very lucky!. Pisces 31ft “Tiburon” got a Pilot shark, two Sea bass and six Lady Fish in Migriño for Michael Mains, Eric Messmer and Josh Bailey from Utah. Fifty percent of our Pisces anglers got a huge variety of inshore fishing and the 19% percent combined of our anglers Mahi-Mahi and Yellow fin tuna.
LOCATION: Margaritas, Pozo Cota, Los Arcos, Migriño.
WEATHER: Clear Skies, Heavy winds from the North, Calm winds later in the week.
BEST LURES: Live Bait: Caballito, mackerel for Striped Marlin and inshore, Lure: Rapalas, cuchis for inshore.
Based on the catches of Pisces by Ady Moya