Overall Catch Success Rate All Species Combined 86%
Numbers at a glance: Billfish 85%, Dorado 70%, Tuna 9%, other 24%

BILLFISH: Another great week for late season blue marlin catches in Cabo! We are not used to seeing all these blues so late in the year and surely this is the result of the “El Niño” current which has brought consistent warm water throughout the year and therefore steady, good catches. Let's start with the
Pisces 28ft “Adriana” who released a blue marlin estimated at 200 lbs. outside of la Herradura for Ulf Cristiansson and Lennart Arrenius visiting from Sweden.
Pisces 38ft “C Rod” released another 200 lb. blue outside of el Cerro for William Gluckman and Sonia Schaeffer from New Jersey along with one Dorado and two yellow fin tuna.
Pisces “Andrea” headed up to the San Jaime Bank and released yet another blue marlin for Allyson, Sean, Chris and Lizzie Park from Nashville, Texas.
“Bill Collector” our 32 ft. Cabo, worked really hard and got a 350 lbs. blue marlin, forty miles out from Land’s End for Richard & Grey Simoncic and Joseph Zucarello from Paradise, Az. To round up the blue marlin catches Pisces 55 ft.
“Flora T” released 250 lbs. blue some way up the Pacific coast at Migriño, for Wade & Forrest Threadgill from Austin, TX.
Pisces “Speedwell” a 38 ft. Mediterranean released one Striped Marlin, one sailfish and one dorado for Jason Allen, Brian Van Holland and Narciso Flores from Laguna Hills, Ca. at La Antena close to Migriño. Brian Dodd and friends from Colorado and Montana fished aboard 31ft
Pisces “Tiburon” and were really pleased releasing their first Striped Marlin! “
Cabolero” released two Striped marlin and one dorado at the Old light house for John Thompson & Diana Goettle from Helena, Montana.
Pisces 31ft “Rebecca” and 31ft
“Tracy Ann” with our good friends Anders Lundgren of Sweden released two Striped Marlin, one Sailfish at the 95 Spot and two Striped Marlin at the 11.50 spot during their last trip of this year”.
Pisces “Ruthless” did well too with one striped marlin released and ten dorados at Elias Gaspareño for Ken & Elizabeth Kerr, Kevin and Laura Atamamuk from San Clemente.
Pisces “Valerie” released two Striped Marlin and boated two dorados, two sierras and released two rooster fish at the Golden Gate for Susan, Eddie and Katie Janecheck from Costa Mesa & Sacramento, Ca.
Panga Poseidon released a striped marlin at the Old Lighthouse for Mike & Erin Elgru from South Carolina. Eighty five percent of Pisces Anglers released a total of 79 billfish, consisting in 69 Striped Marlin, 5 Blue and 5 sailfish.

OTHER SPECIES: Dorado fishing was hot this week, with seventy of our clients catching a total of 341 dorado, ranging from 10 to 25 lbs. Tuna catches were on the slow side with just nine percent of our anglers bringing in a total of 35 yellow fin tuna, ranging in size from 10 to 15 lbs. Four of our vessels brought in wahoo, whilst others caught rooster fish, needlefish and sierras which are excellent for making ceviche.
Pisces “Bill Collector” brought in eight dorados , with one released at La Ballena, on the Pacific side for the Stein Family visiting from Miami, Fl.
Pisces Shambala a 60 ft. Hatteras, caught five dorados at Elias Calles for Manuel Araujo and Stephanie & Matthew Mason from Houston, TX. On November 25th the majority of boats had a great day for dorado fishing, such as
Pisces “Tiburon”, “
Ruthless”, “
Tracy Ann” over at the Golden Gate.
Pisces “Andrea” caught six tunas for Paul Smith and Tom Dufell from United Kingdom at San Jaime.
LOCATION: Pacific Side -Golden Gate, La Ballena, San Jaime, El Faro, Elías Calles, Pescadero. Sea of Cortes: 11.50, 95 spot.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Rain on a couple of days which cause the port to be closed for two days due to tropical storm Sandra. Cool, nice, overcast, cloudy a little choppy. The outlook is for excellent fishing.
BEST LURES: live bait, green, pink, red/black, blue/white.