Airborne Marlin shot from Pisces 28' Andrea
Overall Catch Success rate: 94%
Billfish 44%, Dorado 32%, Tuna 30%, Other 19%
Striped marlin numbers have remained stable this week, with the bite peaking Thursday, on which 48 Marlin were released. A total of 85 Marlin released for the week.

One of four Striped Marlin released on Pisces 42' Hot Rod
Top Marlin Release boat was Pisces 31’ Tracy Ann, with 13 Marlin released in the week. Their best day brought them back to the dock to show off 7 Release flags, with four of those fish landed and released after an epic QUADRUPLE hook-up. Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 and 32’ Bill Collector weren’t far behind, with 12 and 11 releases total (respectively). On their best day, Pisces 35’ Bill Collector 2 released 9 Striped Marlin, plus a Mako Shark released and a Dorado kept.

Dorado on Pisces 35' Bill Collector 2
Dorado catches numbered 41 for the fleet, a quite noticeable decrease to the past month or so. However, Tuna numbers are still holding strong, with a total of 132 fish. Pisces 40’ Chasin Tail had some good tuna catches, with 6 Yellowfin up to 45 lbs each and a Striped Marlin released. Pisces 33’ Thresher had a good day with 4 Yellowfin over 40 lbs each.

Tuna on Pisces 40' Chasin'Tail

Striped Marlin Released on Pisces 31' Ruthless
Where we did see a noticeable difference is in other species, mainly our inshore fish like Sierra Mackerel and Roosterfish. Pisces 35’ Valerie was hands down our top inshore producing boat, with 55 fish caught and catch limits respected. On their best day they caught 37 Sierra! With catch limits respected of course.

1 of 15 Sierra Mackerel on Pisces 28' Andrea
Only a few Wahoo caught this week, but of good size. Pisces 31’ Tracy Ann had two between 30 and 45 lbs, plus 16 Yellowfin Tuna!

Dorado and Jack Crevalle on Panga Anamar
LOCATION: Herradura, Gaspareno, Migrino, Golden Gate & 210 Spot for Tuna mostly.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Good weather conditions overall with minimum swell. Some overcast days/slight wind.
BEST LURES: Mackerel live/dead, cedar plugs, hoochis, feathers, green/yellow and guacamayo lures.

-Written by Rebecca Ehrenberg, based on the catches of Pisces Sportfishing