Overall catch success rate, all species combined: 96%
Numbers at a glance: Billfish 29%, Tuna 68%, Dorado 30%, other 6%.
Another spectacular week of fishing here in Cabo, with 60 Pisces boats this week catching fish. Catch success rates at 96% have made for great fun, especially when catches have ranged from BIG Mahi, to HUGE tuna and beautiful blue and striped marlin. Other fish in the mix this week have been nice sized roosters, jack crevelle, red snapper, among others.
New to our fleet and the world, the brand new 2018 37’ Viking Billfish Tag Team III, made its charter debut this week. Anglers caught 18 yellowfin tuna that ranged in size from 10 to 20 lbs each on feathers and cedar plug lures at about 21 miles from Cabo; 95 Spot.
This same day, 55 Pisces’ Flora T, with anglers Nabers, Sale and Woodwick, caught and released 1 striped marlin of about 150 lbs, out from the Old Lighthouse about 5 miles on caballito bait. They also landed a nice 25 lbs dorado and 5 yellowfin tuna of about 10 to 12 lbs each. These hit out by San Jaime on cedar plugs.
Pisces 31’ La Brisa did well on the 22nd, catching and releasing 1 striped marlin of about 100 lbs on caballito bait and a large almost 40 lbs dorado on a green and yellow lure. Both fish hit between the 95 and 11:50 Spot and caught by anglers the Domingue family from League City, Texas.

Angler Cameron Blair and crew show off their 43 lbs dorado caught aboard Yahoo
The biggest dorado of the week though, was caught aboard Pisces 42’ Yahoo, landed by Cameron Blair from Sunnyvale, Texas. His dorado weighed in at 43 lbs and hit on a purple lure out at the 95 Spot. His group of friends also caught 4 small yellowfin tuna on cedar plug lures. Pisces Yahoo did well later in the week to catch and release an almost 200 lbs blue marlin out at the 95 Spot on a tiger striped lure, along with 2 dorados of about 10 lbs, and 7 yellowfin of about 8 - 12 lbs each. Four skipjacks finished out the day for anglers David and John McBride, Parker Greer and Taylor Mabry from Woodlands, TX.
The Pisces 38’ C Rod had another stupendous week, with the most marlin caught on one day by any boat this week, on July 23rd. Anglers Cody, Courtney, and Hugh Mathews along with Jackie Owens caught and released 1 striped marlin of about 100 lbs. They also landed 2 blue marlin of about 200 and 250 lbs each on a green and orange lure and as if that wasn’t good enough, they took home 8 dorado of about 10 lbs each, which hit on feather lures. All fish were caught at about 40 miles offshore at the 140 Spot.

Mate Esteban Balderas of the Bill Collector releasing their blue marlin
Pisces 32’ Bill Collector had a great day on the 23rd as well, anglers the Kluge family landed 1 blue marlin of about 260 lbs out at the 180 Spot; it hit on a guacamayo lure, and was released successfully. They also caught 7 yellowfin of about 8 to 12 lbs and 2 small dorado, which they released.
And yesterday it seems to have been our best blue marlin day this week, with Tracy Ann, Valerie, Ruthless, and Yahoo all landing blues between 200 and 300 lbs each, along with numerous tuna. To use just one of these as an example, Pisces 31’ Ruthless and anglers Aaron Lord and David Corona caught and released a 200 lbs blue marlin, and caught 17 yellowfin tuna. The tuna hit on feather lures and weighed between 15 and 25 lbs each, while the blue hit on caballito live bait; all fish were landed close to the 11:50 Spot.

The crew and anglers of the Knot Workin with their 149.6 lbs yellowfin tuna
Last but certainly not least, is an impressive tuna caught aboard Pisces 35’ Knot Workin’. The yellowfin was caught out about 12 miles from the Old Lighthouse, where they caught 4 tuna of about 10 and 15 lbs and were ready to head home. Captain Tito told Mate Pepe Escamillo to bring in his lure and as he was doing so, at about 15 feet from the boat, a huge tuna flew out from the depths “just like a Great White explodes onto the surface”, said Captain Tito, and took his lure. It took an hour to fight it, but it was successfully landed and weighed in at 149.6 lbs. Anglers were Laine, Luke, Meredith and Steven Kristynik from Bryan, TX.
This week we also had a return angler who visited us last in early 2000’s, Wayne Hopper, from Alabama. Wayne still loves fishing at 72 and treated himself to three days of fishing with us. His first day aboard Pisces 31’ Rebecca he landed a striped marlin of about 130 lbs and a blue marlin of about 200 lbs which he released. Both hit on caballito bait at the 11:50 Spot. The next day, he took out Panga Anamar for some inshore fishing and caught 1 dorado of about 10 lbs, which he released, 1 yellowfin tuna of about 15 lbs ad 2 roosterfish. The smaller rooster was about 20 lbs, while the other was a nice 45 pounder. He released both out from Chileno, after they hit on caballito bait. His third day he landed a slightly larger blue malrin on the Rebecca, of about 250 lbs which unfortunately died after several attempts to release it successfully, as it was gill hooked. He also caught 3 skipjacks which he released. We truly appreciate return anglers like him and are happy to be celebrating our 40th Anniversary here at Pisces Sportfishing this year! We would certainly not be here without your trust, loyalty and continued support. If you have fished with us you can enter our 40th Anniversary GIVEAWAY, by sending us your best fishing story with Pisces, along with a photo for a chance to win a day of fishing on our 37’ Viking Billfish Tag Team III. We’re including roundtrip airfare and luxury accomodation too! Check out details here: http://www.piscessportfishing.com/pisces-40th-giveaway.aspx
Angler Wayne Hopper about to release his roosterfish aboard Panga Anamar
LOCATION: Miles out South of Lands End and 11:50 Spot, 95 Spot 130 Spot.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Some choppy water and wind, with some days starting off calm until midday.
BEST LURES: Cedar plugs and feather lures, pink lures, various colorful lures (yellows, greens, orange), caballito bait.
Based on the catches of Pisces Sportfishing Fleet by Rebecca Ehrenberg