Finger Bank Frenzy - two striped marlin being fought, one by Pisces Rebecca and the other by Pisces Ruthless
Overall catch success rate, all species combined: 100% !!!
Numbers at a glance: Billfish 72%, Tuna 7%, Dorado 82%, other 7%.
Honestly, this week I have no idea where to start! There is only so much I can share with you in this report, but I wish I could share it all. My best recommendation to you this week, is that if you’re reading this report trying to decide when or why to come fishing in Cabo, that you stop what you're doing and book your trip with us now (come back and finish reading the report after, feeling proud of yourself for making the best decision ever).
This bite is like we haven't seen in a long time and the weather cant be beat either. So I’ll get right to it, but first, did you read our stats above? 100% catch success rate this week! That means, every boat we had out this week, all sixty-eight of them, caught fish. The Finger Banks are still producing marlin in the double digits; including a personal record-breaking 60 striped marlin caught and released by Pisces 32’ Bill Collector owner aboard, Mark Chiavetta on November 27th (He also caught and released two silky sharks and landed a few dorado). However, the marlin isn’t just at the Finger Bank. Again this week strong marlin numbers closer by to Cabo, from the Old Lighthouse to Las Margaritas area, where the dorado have shown up too. Double digits of dorado have also been common this week, with boats respecting catch limits and releasing. Tuna are still around, although anglers have been targeting the other species more heavily.

Anders and Anna with their 76th marlin caught and released this week.
I’ll start off with the Finger Bank action and our very awesome anglers who visited us all the way from Sweden this week. Anders Wehtje and Anna Norman fished the Pisces 31’ Rebecca three days this week and released a total of 76 Striped Marlin. November 27th was their most productive marlin day, with 28 striped marlin caught and released. Captain Jose Ramon and Mate Luis Cota used live mackerel bait on all days. The marlin ranged in size form 100 to 160 lbs, with a couple larger, approximate 180 lbs fish. November 26th the caught 24 striped marlin and also landed 4 dorado, which weighed about 15-18 lbs each. November 29th, again they released 24 marlin. The anglers were astonished by the fishing at the Finger and called it the “most amazing paradise”, as in Sweeden there is no marlin to be caught and it was well worth it for them to make the 50 mile trek out to the Finger daily. I, myself, headed to the Finger this week, as writing these reports without being able to be out there myself is just torture. And although I am a Cabo native, I had never headed to the Finger banks to fish. It is such a spectacular experience.
As soon as we arrived, aboard Pisces 31’ Tracy Ann, and mate Martin threw out the bait, we had a fish on. Literally in seconds. He passed on the rod and landed another just as quickly, and before we knew it we had three marlin on the line. Captain Julio expertly maneuvered the boat to aid each angler and Martin helped us so that no line would tangle. After about 25 minutes we had all caught, tagged and released our fish. The birds were flying in circles and down into the bait balls, and we saw whales lunge out of the water, feeding. Marlin fins poked out of water left and right, and electric blue and purple shapes glided under the boat. What a sight…We caught 11 marlin and 1 sailfish in the span of an hour and a half or so, and then decided it was time to see the action from underwater. We had brought along our mask and fins and jumped in. Wow! What you see from the surface is nowhere near reality… Because if you see 5 marlin from above, underwater you see 30! A Fin whale pushed through a bait ball on my first time in; shocked, I couldn't even press record on my GoPro, I just floated there, ecstatic. A curious silky shark followed us on almost each dive, until it got bored of us. The marlin sometimes came in closer, to get a better look at us. Then they continued on, floating through the sea almost like stars in the sky; shimmering electric blue, purple and flashes of white.

The Mitzel family from Seattle fight a nice striped marlin at the Finger
We approached the other boats of the fleet who had continued fishing. We watched the action as Pisces 31’ Rebecca (with Anders and Anna on board) fought their last marlin of the day, and Pisces 31’ Ruthless with anglers, the Mitzel family from Seattle aboard, landed another two, bringing their total that day to 18 released. It was even fun for us to watch them fight their fish and see the crews at work. Both Captains and Mates worked effortlessly, maneuvering the boat, handling the fish, taking out the hook, and releasing successfully.
The fishing this day was amazing closer to Cabo as well. Pisces 35’ Valerie caught and released 3 striped marlin of about 100 to 120 lbs each on live mackerel bait and lures at Los Arcos. They also landed a nice sailfish, of about 70 lbs on Caballito at Las Margaritas and they caught 11 dorados between both locations, of about 10 to 20 lbs each. Anglers were the Graham’s and Stevens’ families from California; they were back at the dock by 12 PM.
Previously in the week, the Valerie landed 6 striped marlin, all between 50 and 100 lbs out from the Old Lighthouse, hitting on mackerel and petrolero lures. They also caught 3 dorado of about 20 lbs each on feather lures and Caballito bait, out of Las Margaritas. Anglers were the Durussel family from Saskatchewan, Canada. On November 27th, again on the Valerie, anglers from Texas caught 16 dorado, releasing four, as they had reached their limit. The fish ranged from 15 to 20 lbs each and hit on mackereI and green, black/red lures at La Ballena area.

Pisces 31' Tracy Ann fueled by some girl power show off their flags and dorado for the day
Early in the week Pisces 27’ Boston Whaler, Baja Mark, did well to catch and release 4 striped marlin of about 100 lbs on mackerel bait at Cerros de Arena. They caught 8 dorado also, up to 20 lbs each. Another great day for BajaMark showcased 2 striped marlin released at Las Margaritas and 9 dorado to boot. The largest weighed aprox 30 lbs and they released two of them, these hit closer to Golden Gate at the shoreline.
More marlin for Pisces 60’ Reel Machine, on November 26th, with 3 released close to Los Arcos and Cerros de Arena area. These hit on ballyhoo and mackerel, along with 3 dorado of about 10 lbs which hit on feather lures.

Approx 40 lbs wahoo caugth on the Pisces 38' C Rod
Pisces 38’ C Rod caught one of the few wahoo this week, a nice approx 40 pounder landed at Cerros de Arena on mackerel. They also caught and released 2 striped marlin and kept 8 dorado; these hit at Migriño. Anglers were the Rougeau and King families from Wyoming.
November 25th the Pisces 37’ Tag Team, had a great day, catching the only blue marlin this week. The blue hit on ballyhoo out of Pozo Cota and weighed approx 200 lbs; released successfully. They also landed a striped marlin here, on a green/white lure, which they also released. Four dorado hit on ballyhoo and green lures as well. Anglers were Linda and Steven Swidler from Chicago.

A few of the dorado caught on the Pisces 37' Tag Team, they also released a blue marlin and striped marlin
Anglers Edward Bertrand and Scott Buhram aboard Pisces 31’ Ruthless, captain this day by Bruce Montaño, targeted tuna and were successful, catching 14 yellowfin ranging between 15 and 25 pounds each, with the exception of one nice 80 pounder. The fish hit on varied lures: cedar plugs, red/black and blue/white; out of San Jaime Bank. They also landed da nice 20 lbs dorado there on a green lure.
As I am sitting here finishing up the report for the week, my phone starts buzzing and the pictures start coming in. A 201 lbs yellowfin tuna caught on the Bill Collector today (which will have to wait to go into my next report). Looks like next week's fishing is off to a good start already....
LOCATION: Finger Bank, Old Lighthouse, Cerros de Arena, Los Arcos, Las Margaritas.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Overall good weather conditions, with only some swell on a few days.
AVERAGE WATER TEMP: Varied temperatures from 75/76 - 81 F
BEST LURES: Mackerel bait, Caballito, ballyhoo; feathers, cedar plugs, lures: green, blue/white, red/black.
Based on the catches of Pisces Sportfishing Fleet and written by Rebecca Ehrenberg