Pisces Fish Report— September 24th to September 30th, 2016
September 24th to September 30th, 2016
Overall catch success rate, all species combined: 86%
Numbers at a glance: Billfish 40%, Tuna 22%, Dorado 60%, other 25%
BILLFISH: We saw some nice catches of billfish this week, with smaller sized blues, striped marlin and sailfish all making an appearance, as well as the odd black marlin. The Pisces Listo, captained by Benito Agundez, caught and released a striped marlin and a sailfish on the 25th. They also landed a wahoo of about 52lbs, for some anglers from Delaware; a very nice day indeed. On the 26th, the Pisces La Brisa was fishing off Gaspareño, where they caught and released three striped, estimated between 100-120lbs, for a group of anglers from Grand Rapids, Michigan. The Pisces Ruthless, captained by Roberto Padilla managed a marlin triple threat. Catching and releasing a striped marlin, as well as a blue and a black, estimated at 320lbs and 140lbs respectively. They also caught four 10lbs dorado for the Moore’s of North Carolina. The 28th saw the Pisces La Brisa, captained by Ray Winkler caught and released two striped marlin of around 110-130lbs, as well as a sailfish of about 100lbs. They also boated eleven dorado for a group of anglers from Fremont, California; all at the Golden Gate. The Pisces Tracy Ann had a good day also, catching and releasing a striped marlin, a blue marlin and a yellowfin tuna of 125lbs. All this at the Herradura spot, for a group of angles from Duncanville, Texas.
OTHER SPECIES: This week saw nice catches of large yellowfin tuna, as well as good dorado catches, and the odd wahoo. Starting the week of right, on September 24th the Pisces Speedwell captained by Victor Sandez, landed a 153lbs yellowfin on a guacamayo lure just off Cabeza de Ballena for a group of anglers form Arizona. The Pisces Tracy Ann, captained by Julio Castro landed a 137lbs yellowfin by the 95 Spot. They also released a striped marlin of around 160lbs, for a group of anglers from Texas. While the Pisces Rebecca, had great day on the 27th for a group of fishermen from Boise, Idaho. They landed seven dorado of between 17-35lbs on caballito live bait out at Gaspareño. The 29th saw the Pisces Tracy Ann yet again land some impressive tuna catches with a total of nine fish. They caught the biggest one we’ve seen in a long time, a 225lbs yellowfin, as well as 197 pounder. About 35 miles out from Herradurra, for some anglers from Dallas, Texas.
LOCATION: Mostly Pacific side, with some fishing 35 miles off the Arch.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Mixed clear and partly cloudy days, calm seas and air temperatures in the mid 80’s.
BEST LURES: Cedar plugs, green/yellow lures, cuchi lures and caballito live bait.
Based on the catches of Pisces Sportfishing Fleet by Glenn Ehrenberg
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The featured property above is the Peninsula Penthouse. This property is extremely close to the Pisces Dock, and includes a top of the line outdoor barbecue, where you can grill your catch. Sit back, relax and enjoy the view after a long day of fishing.