December 3rd to December 9th, 2016
Overall catch success rate, all species combined: 98%
Numbers at a glance: Billfish 74%, Tuna 11%, Dorado 42%, other 26%

For the first full week of December we saw dorado at the beginning of the week, then tapering off into more of a striped marlin bite, we saw a very high catch success rate this week, with 98% of boats landing fish. Starting us off with the largest number of dorado was the Pisces Adriana. Captain Nicolas Winkler put these clients from Phoenix, Arizona on 10 dorado out at Pozo de Cota. We also saw a lot more small game this week, with a healthy mix of jack crevalle, roosterfish, grouper, and amberjack. The panga La Gloria managed to catch and release six roosterfish of around 10-25lbs for a group of anglers visiting from England.
Marlin catches were also very good, with all landed having been striped marlin. Our largest number of fish per boat were all caught and released aboard the Pisces Tracy Ann. They had 10 striped marlin of around 100-120lbs for their anglers from Kent, Washington state. While the Pisces C Rod had a nice mixed bag out at Gaspareño. Captain Abel put these anglers from California on three yellowfin tuna, a jack crevalle and four striped marlin that were released. The Pisces Bill Collector had a great day, releasing six striped marlin from between 100 to 180lbs. As well as releasing a silky shark of around 100lbs for some anglers from East Hills, New York.
LOCATION: Pacific side.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Mostly clear throughout the week, air temperatures in the mid-70´s, seas mostly calm.
BEST LURES: Caballito and mackerel live bait.
Based on the catches of Pisces Sportfishing Fleet by Glenn Ehrenberg, photos by Oscar Bañagas.