BILLFISH:Itwas good to get the crews back out after several days sitting in port waitingfor Hurricane Norberto to say goodbye and as we write this we are awaiting thearrival of Hurricane Odile. Nevertheless we wanted to bring you the fishingnews before battening down the hatches. Pisces boats from 28 to 31 ft. have allbeen pulled out of the water and are sitting in trailers at the boatyard tokeep them safe. Other larger vessels have been prepared as best as possible.Fishing didn’t seem to miss a beat, though it was hard for the boats to locatefish on a couple of day or when found they were too full to be interested inthe bait offered, which was attributed to the full moon. Pisces Rebeccastarted out well with two sailfish and three lemon sharks caught andreleased for Paul Paulson, from Gary, Alabama, straight out from Land’s End. Speedwell also managed to release twosailfish this same day for Mark Wilson & Michael Ferrell. Going a step further Valerie was able to release three sailfish for Paula McCabey andClayton Smith close to San Cristobal. September 8th proved to be oneof the best days of the week, when we saw Pisces Andrea release sailfish for Walter Nichols Jr from Brunswick,Georgia. This same day C Rod had twosails and a striped marlin at the 11.50 spot for Brian and Angela Barnhart fromIndianapolis. September 10th was the only day of the week that we sawblue marlin caught, one aboard AttitudeAdjustment, just under 200 lbs. for Ray & Warren Chapman , who alongwith Greg Mansfield went on to release two more billfish, both sails, at the11.50 spot. The other boat to encountera blue albeit a smallish one, was La Brisa who went to the limit of ourfishing area at Destiladeras with anglers Allan Lam, Michael Hoyman & JohnEshelman – this was a good move as they also got hooked up to two stripedmarlin, that were successfully released. Walter Nichols, mentioned above, didwell this week; on his second day out he fished Rebecca and got four billfish, two striped marlin and two sailfish.The most notable change this week was that of location, from Pacific to Cortezside between the 11.50 and Destiladeras, though some boats did go to thePacific. Pisces anglers caught a total of 60 billfish, consisting of 24 stripedmarlin, 34 sailfish and 2 blue marlin.

OTHERSPECIES: It was quite surprising to see more variety of small gamethis week, mostly inshore fish, but they did account for thirty percent ofcatches. Again, we saw numbers ofskipjack, few wahoo, some yellowtail,amberjack, sierra and the most enviable, seven roosterfish and six doradocaught by Randy Waldrum form Houston, Texas aboard the panga Gloria. Dorado catches were fair attwenty seven percent, with catches usually of one to four fish in the 15 to 25 lb.class. One exception was Pisces Ruthless 21in a day, plus a sailfish and 5 skipjack for Don Digby and Chris Rogers - fishover the limit were released. Tunacatches were not great with just thirteen percent of charters finding betweenone and ten fish, the nice thing was that some of them were of a respectablesize. C Rod caught a beautiful 174 lb.yellow fin for Adrian & Aaron Walters from Sydney, Australia which tookthem almost two hours to land.
WEATHERCONDITIONS: Nice between hurricanes.
LOCATION:11.50spot, Cerro Colorado, Destiladeras.
BESTLURES: live Caballito, Jurelito, Ballyhoo, green combinations.